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Flutter - how to use custom Icons

If you have a designer or your company has designers,

you may need to use customIcons on the app you are building.


I can teach you how to use custom Icons in flutter



1. go to https://fluttericon.com/


FlutterIcon - Flutter custom icons generator

This site will not work if cookies are completely disabled. {"assets_hash":"a0d3c796513dbfa17549fded5fc6a373","page_data":{},"locale":"en-US","layout":"fontello.layout"}


2. Drag (put on) your Icon's SVG file on that web site


3. Select a Icon that you added, click download button on the right top.


4. you get ttf file & dart file.

this is my path

font file: D:\Flutter\nininaenae_git\nininaenae_git\fonts

dart file: D:\Flutter\nininaenae_git\nininaenae_git\lib\custom_flutter\icons


in the dart file, you can learn what to add on your yami file.

add it at yami




import 'package:your project name/custom_flutter/icons/custom_icons_icons.dart';

at your dart file using custom icon


use it


now you can use custom Icon!


break your leg!

